
Posts Tagged ‘foursquare’

An Antarctic Night and a Building Bombing

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2010 at 1:35 pm

I don’t remember most of the first part of this morning’s dream, but I do recall wandering the streets of some city late at night in a shiny new pair of red Dr Martens boots, then finding myself indoors where I was watching my father play trumpet in a band of his old friends. (To my knowledge, my father has never played the trumpet, and in the dream, he wasn’t very good at it, although it seemed to be because he was out of practice.) Apparently, I was in was in Antarctica, because I remember taking out my phone to check in on Foursquare, seeing my GPS location on a map, and wondering if it was close enough to the South Pole to make a valid check-in there.)

In the second part of the dream, I was visiting CBS Radio of Baltimore, my old workplace. It had apparently been a long time since I had last visited, and I was warmly welcomed by those who remembered me. People were gathering in one part of the building for an all-staff meeting, and as I walked through the gathering crowd, I looked down and saw that I was wearing only boxer shorts rather than the cargo shorts I thought I was wearing. Embarrassed, I quickly went out to the car to change. I feared that I had left my shorts in Antarctica, but as I got to my car, I reached down and felt my pockets filled with what I normally carry, and realized that I was wearing my shorts underneath my boxer briefs for some reason.

I went back into the building (after fixing the clothing problem, I assume), and came to realize that a red-headed guy I know of (but whose name I can’t remember) from Baltimore neighborhood bar Bad Decisions was planning to blow up the building with the help of his crew. I did all I could to discourage his plan, by letting all of his people know that I was on to their plan, taking things they needed, talking to them out loud when they were trying to be covert, and warning them of the consequences of their plan; it frustrated them, but they seemed determined to carry out their terrorist mission. At this point, the all-staff meeting started and the entire building began to drive around town (which it apparently was built to be able to do, although it had never been done before). I found a former co-worker of mine that I trusted, purchased something from him (I don’t remember what), and warned him of the plot against the building.

It was at this point that I woke up.

Radio, Roller Derby & Drew

In Uncategorized on March 24, 2010 at 9:37 am

In this morning’s dream, an overly sarcastic Drew Carey and roller derby referee DayGlo Divine accompanied me to my old job at CBS Radio where I produced one last promo for a weekend contest. (I’m not sure what the contest was, but I did wake up with “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga in my head.) Flux Incapacitator of the Charm City Roller Girls had a coolly-lit studio there with a comfy high-back leather chair, and helped me with some of the editing. My general manager, Bob Philips, passed through at one point with some friendly (and somewhat out-of-character) encouragement; I think I also got a visit from my VP/program director, Dave Labrozzi. I’m not sure what the weather was like at the start of the dream, but when I left with Drew and DayGlo, we were walking in a light rain shower through alleyways that were well-lit by streetlights; it could have been New York City. I think part of the incentive to pop into the office was to earn a foursquare badge.